Miss Lori
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Miss Lori

  • Likes: Singing and Dancing - I've been doing both since I was 9 years old!
  • Collects: Postcards from all the places I visit.
  • Favorite Game: Exploring what's in the Purple Possibility Bag!
  • Do you have kids?: Three of them! An eight year old, a five year old, and a three year old.
  • Who do you look up to?: My mother. She gave me the courage to dream. She told me that there was nothing that I couldn't do as long as I set my mind to it. Most importantly she gave me permission to make mistakes as long as I got up to try again.
  • Loves to pretend to be: A super-hero. You can do it, too! Just use a dish towel as a cape and fly around the room. You're on your way to save the universe!